Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I went to Passport Health in Los Angeles.
They were very nice and provided me with a booklet with all the CDC concerns in the all the countries I'm going into.

Here is what I got:
1. Hepatitis A - $80 (will need a second dose in November)
2. Polio - $50 (1 shot only, I had a series as a child)
3. Tetanus/Dihtheria/Pertussis - $70 (1 shot only)
4. Yellow Fever - $100 (1 shot good for 10 years)
5. Typhoid - $70 (4 oral doses, good for 5 years)

We'll see how sick I get.. heh..

What was recommended was:
1. Malaria - Doxycycline
2. Various bug sprays dengue fever is a risk right now apparently.
3. Japanese encephalitis if i go into real rural areas of SE Asia, like pig farms...

I'm wondering if we should avoid some rural areas because of disease risk and $$ of vaccination. It's suuuuuuuuper expensive.


Akasha said...

That's a lot of $$! Did health insurance cover it?

LR said...

no. it's pretty standard cost